2021-02-15 12:50:14 +01:00
data init script and mock data/passwords files 2021-02-15 12:50:14 +01:00
nginx url args working 2021-02-15 10:37:35 +01:00
python_app update 2021-02-15 12:38:46 +01:00
docker-compose.yml update 2021-02-15 12:38:46 +01:00
Dockerfile url args working 2021-02-15 10:37:35 +01:00 init script and mock data/passwords files 2021-02-15 12:50:14 +01:00 init script and mock data/passwords files 2021-02-15 12:50:14 +01:00

Python, web and SSH sandbox

For educational purpose only! None of this software is industry grade quality.

How to use it?

Install docker

CF the interweb TODO

Run it

docker run --name pythonsandbox --rm --network-mode host -v ./production_eleves:/app/python_app/modules -v ./data:/app/data adrianamaglio/pythonsandbox

(Logs will flow in your terminal, CTRL+C will stop the process).

Initialize it

The directory data must contain a users.txt containing one username per line, or a passwords.txt file, containing username=password lines.
If you do not provide a password file, it will be generated from user file.
The password file is the database from which users/passwords are created in the system.
Additionnaly, you can add a file named ./data/ which will be executed (as root) before starting the servers. It is usefull for debuging or customisation purposes!

Use it

You can now ssh into your localhost (and others computer on the same network can ssh into your host). Usernames and passwords are the one provided in the password file.
Students home directories are then listed in the production_eleves directory.

The docker image

Build the docker image

docker build . -t adrianamaglio/pythonsandbox

or pull it

TODO: send image to hub

Run the docker image

docker run -it --network host --name pythonsandbox pythonsandbox

Or if you want to save student work outside of the container:

docker run -it --network host --name pythonsandbox -v "$(pwd)"/app/modules:/usr/share/app/modules pythonsandbox

And with user list file

docker run -it --network host --name pythonsandbox -v "$(pwd)"/app/modules:/usr/share/app/modules -v "$(pwd)"/app/users.txt:/usr/share/app/users.txt pythonsandbox

How does it works?

A python script

It run with uwsgi (CF dockerfile CMD line) and load python modules files according to URL. For instance, when you get /test/my_function the function my_function is executed from the file
Default behavior:

  • if test is a directory, we will try to load default function index from file test/
  • if test/my_function is a directory, we will try to load default function index from file test/my_function/ GET arguments (the ones in URL), are passed as function parameter (only if the parameters name matches the arguments name).

SSH server

Allow student to connect via SSH or SFTP to add python files and play with bash.

A docker image

To bundle everything in one place. This docker image is not a pretty one, we should split those services into several containers. But that would be harder to run, so forget that.
Also, as this is poorly tested, the docker system make sure the environment is stable.