This commit is contained in:
Adrian Amaglio 2022-10-02 14:02:29 +02:00
parent 970e310a11
commit d484088a33

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
\setname{Murat Can}{Karacabey}
\setmobile{xx xxx xx xx}
\setmobile{06 04 19 78 88}
\setposition{Work Student} %ignored for now
\setlinkedinaccount{} %you can play with color of the template (red is also nice..)
\setgithubaccount{} %you can play with color of the template (red is also nice..)
\setgithubaccount{} %you can play with color of the template (red is also nice..)
\setthemecolor{red} %you can play with color of the template (red is also nice..)
@ -18,83 +18,115 @@
% Summary
\lipsum[1][1-12]\ %replace this part with actual text
\datedexperience{Boğaziçi University}{2013-2018}
\explanation{B.S in Computer Engineering}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
\lipsum[1][3-4]\par %replace this part with actual text
\datedexperience{Technical University of Munich}{2019-2022}
\explanation{M.S in Informatics}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
\lipsum[1][3-4]\par %replace this part with actual text
%\lipsum[1][1-12]\ %replace this part with actual text
% Experience
\section{Parcours professionnel}
\datedexperience{Intertech Inc.}{2014-Summer / Turkey}
\explanation{Intern as android developer}
\datedexperience{Velocity Inc.}{2015-Summer / Turkey}
\explanation{Intern as Developer/Tester}
\datedexperience{Akbank}{2018-2019 / Turkey}
\explanation{Ios Developer}
\datedexperience{Enseignant à léducation nationale}{2020 - 2022}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
\lipsum[1][1-2]\par %replace this part with actual text
Enseignement en lycée : SNT (seconde) et NSI (première et terminale)
\datedexperience{Ingénieur de recherche au laboratoire LIRIS}{2018 - 1019}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Développement dune plateforme de calcul (Docker, Kubernetes, Rancher, ELK, Ansible, OpenStack)
\datedexperience{Stage de développement web pour}{2016 - 6 mois}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Développement de plugin Wordpress, Joomla et Facebook
\section{Parcours associatif}
\datedexperience{Président et administrateur système de Jean-Cloud}{2018 - Aujourdhui}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Hébergement et allègement de sites statiques
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Hébergement de services variés via docker :
Wordpress, Php, Mysql, Postgresql, NextCloud, Mattermost
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Backups (rsync) et stack de monitoring (cadvisor, prometheus, graphana)
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Realation humaine et pédagogique aux utilisateur·ice·s
\datedexperience{Mobile-Software AG}{2019-2020 / Germany}
\explanation{Ios Developer}
\datedexperience{Administrateur système et réseau pour Oma-Radio}{2017 - Aujourdhui}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
\lipsum[1][4-5]\par %replace this part with actual text
Création dun linux embarqué sur mesure avec buildroot + tunnel de maintenance wireguard
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Hébergement scalable de webradios avec nginx et icecast
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Développement dAPI de gestion dune radio et de son interface web
\datedexperience{BMW Autonomous Driving Campus}{2020-Now / Germany}
\explanation{Working Student}
\datedexperience{Régisseur général pour le festival du Karnaval Humanitaire}{2018 - 2019}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
\lipsum[1][3-4]\par %replace this part with actual text
Contact et accueil des artistes
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Conception des plannings de balances et de concerts
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Gestion des équipes de technicien·ne·s et des prestataires
\datedexperience{Technicien plateau et régisseur son}{2018 - Aujourdhui}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Sonorisation de groupes de musiques et de pièces de théâtre
\section{Parcours scolaire}
\datedexperience{Études dinformatique}{2014 - 2019}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Master Systèmes, Réseaux et Infrastructures Virtuelles à Lyon1
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Bac S-SI, DUT Informatique, Licence Informatique
\datedexperience{Formation à lenseignement}{2019 - 2021}
\explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
Master Meef à Lyon puis Montpellier
% Skills
\newcommand{\skillone}{\createskill{Programming Languages}{\textbf{\emph{Experienced:}} \ \ Python \cpshalf Swift \ \ \textbf{\emph{Familiar:}} \ \ Javascript \cpshalf Objective-C \cpshalf Bash \cpshalf Java \cpshalf Scheme}}
\newcommand{\skillone}{\createskill{Languages maîtrisés}{ Python \cpshalf C \cpshalf HTML5 \cpshalf Bash }}
\newcommand{\skillonehalf}{\createskill{Languages pratiqués}{ JS \cpshalf C++ \cpshalf Java \cpshalf Caml \cpshalf Plpgsql \cpshalf Latex \cpshalf batch \cpshalf Leekscript }}
\newcommand{\skilltwo}{\createskill{Software Development}{Programming Paradigms \cpshalf GIT \cpshalf CLI \cpshalf Agile Methodology \cpshalf DevOps Lifecycles}}
\newcommand{\skilltwo}{\createskill{Développement}{Eclipse \cpshalf GIT \cpshalf CLI \cpshalf SOLID \cpshalf AGILE \cpshalf TDD \cpshalf CI/CD}}
\newcommand{\skillthree}{\createskill{Frameworks \ \& \ Libraries}{Jupyter \cpshalf Matplotplib \cpshalf Numpy \cpshalf Pandas \cpshalf Scikit-learn \cpshalf Gym \cpshalf PyTorch \cpshalf Tensorflow}}
\newcommand{\skillthree}{\createskill{Frameworks}{Django \cpshalf Bottle \cpshalf Flask \cpshalf CakePhp \cpshalf VueJs \cpshalf PostgREST }}
\newcommand{\skillfour}{\createskill{iOS Programming}{RxSwift \cpshalf PromiseKit \cpshalf CocoaPods \cpshalf Autolayout/DSLs}}
\newcommand{\skillfour}{\createskill{Administration}{Docker \cpshalf Nginx \cpshalf Apache2 \cpshalf DHCP \cpshalf SSH \cpshalf Ansible }}
\newcommand{\skillfive}{\createskill{Languages}{\textbf{\emph{Native:}} \ \ Turkish \ \ \textbf{\emph{Fluent:}} \ \ English \ \ \textbf{\emph{Beginner:}} \ \ German }}
\newcommand{\skillfive}{\createskill{Langues}{\textbf{\emph{Native\ :}} \ \ Français \ \ \textbf{\emph{À laise\ :}} \ \ Anglais \ \ \textbf{\emph{Débutant\ :}} \ \ Russe \cpshalf Italien }}
\createskills{\skillone, \skilltwo, \skillthree, \skillfour, \skillfive}
\createskills{\skillone, \skillonehalf, \skilltwo, \skillthree, \skillfour, \skillfive}
% Experience
\lipsum[1][7-8]\par %replace this part with actual text
Gagnant de la nuit de linfo 2018 \cpshalf Terminé \href{}{bandit par overthewire}
\lipsum[1][9-10]\par %replace this part with actual text
\textbf{\emph{Centres dintéret\ :}} Logiciels libres \cpshalf Communication \cpshalf Théâtre amateur \cpshalf Relation aux autres
\lipsum[1][11-12]%replace this part with actual text
\newcommand{\listofextras}{\extraone, \extratwo, \extrathree}
\newcommand{\listofextras}{\extraone, \extratwo}