
\setname{Murat Can}{Karacabey}
\setmobile{xx xxx xx xx}
\setposition{Work Student} %ignored for now
\setlinkedinaccount{https://www.linkedin.com/in/murat-can-karacabey-568a96b1/} %you can play with color of the template (red is also nice..)
\setgithubaccount{https://github.com/muratcankaracabey} %you can play with color of the template (red is also nice..)
\setthemecolor{red} %you can play with color of the template (red is also nice..)

%Set variables
%You can add sections, texts, explanations just by copying the style below. Replace the dummy texts "\lipsum[1][x-x]\par" with actual texts.
%Create header
% Summary
\lipsum[1][1-12]\ %replace this part with actual text
    \datedexperience{Boğaziçi University}{2013-2018} 
    \explanation{B.S in Computer Engineering} 
     \explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ % 
     \lipsum[1][3-4]\par %replace this part with actual text
    \datedexperience{Technical University of Munich}{2019-2022} 
    \explanation{M.S in Informatics} 
    \explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
     \lipsum[1][3-4]\par %replace this part with actual text
% Experience
    \datedexperience{Intertech Inc.}{2014-Summer / Turkey} 
    \explanation{Intern as android developer} 
    \datedexperience{Velocity Inc.}{2015-Summer / Turkey} 
    \explanation{Intern as Developer/Tester} 
    \datedexperience{Akbank}{2018-2019 / Turkey} 
    \explanation{Ios Developer} 
    \explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
     \lipsum[1][1-2]\par %replace this part with actual text
    \datedexperience{Mobile-Software AG}{2019-2020 / Germany} 
    \explanation{Ios Developer} 
    \explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
     \lipsum[1][4-5]\par %replace this part with actual text
    \datedexperience{BMW Autonomous Driving Campus}{2020-Now / Germany} 
    \explanation{Working Student} 
    \explanationdetail{\coloredbullet\ %
     \lipsum[1][3-4]\par %replace this part with actual text
% Skills
    \newcommand{\skillone}{\createskill{Programming Languages}{\textbf{\emph{Experienced:}} \ \  Python \cpshalf Swift \ \ \textbf{\emph{Familiar:}} \ \  Javascript \cpshalf Objective-C \cpshalf Bash \cpshalf Java \cpshalf Scheme}}
    \newcommand{\skilltwo}{\createskill{Software Development}{Programming Paradigms \cpshalf GIT \cpshalf CLI \cpshalf Agile Methodology \cpshalf DevOps Lifecycles}}
    \newcommand{\skillthree}{\createskill{Frameworks \ \& \ Libraries}{Jupyter \cpshalf Matplotplib \cpshalf Numpy \cpshalf Pandas \cpshalf Scikit-learn \cpshalf Gym \cpshalf PyTorch \cpshalf Tensorflow}}
    \newcommand{\skillfour}{\createskill{iOS Programming}{RxSwift \cpshalf PromiseKit \cpshalf CocoaPods \cpshalf Autolayout/DSLs}}
    \newcommand{\skillfive}{\createskill{Languages}{\textbf{\emph{Native:}} \ \  Turkish \ \ \textbf{\emph{Fluent:}} \ \ English \ \ \textbf{\emph{Beginner:}} \ \  German }}
    \createskills{\skillone, \skilltwo, \skillthree, \skillfour, \skillfive}
% Experience
    \lipsum[1][7-8]\par %replace this part with actual text
    \lipsum[1][9-10]\par %replace this part with actual text
    \lipsum[1][11-12]%replace this part with actual text
    \newcommand{\listofextras}{\extraone, \extratwo, \extrathree}