203 lines
5.7 KiB
203 lines
5.7 KiB
% Created by Murat Can Karacabey
% this is inspired by Michael Pollind's Awesome CV
% Created from scratch as a much simpler alternative to it to actually learn LaTeX.
% Might be interpreted as an easier-to-edit or easier-to-understand-what-is-going-on version of it.
\author{Murat Can Karacabey}
\RequirePackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} % moved here I guess article class causes option clash with xcolor if used after loading the class
\ProvidesClass{muratcan_cv}[2020/04/15 Muratcan CV Class]
\RequirePackage[left=0.75in,top=0.3in,right=0.75in,bottom=0.6in]{geometry} % Document margins
%Setup for coverletter
% View commands
% Header
% can makebox also be used?
\center \name \\[0.05cm]
\contact % address \ mobile \\ mail
\tikz\node [draw, circle,%
line width=4pt, color=white,%
minimum width=\wd\picbox,minimum height=\ht\picbox,%
path picture={ \node at (path picture bounding box.center)%
\newcommand{\githubview}{\href{\@githubaccount}{\footnotesize github}}
\newcommand{\giteaview}{\href{\@giteaaccount}{\footnotesize gitea}}
{\large \@firstname \ \textsc{\@lastname}}
{\small \ \ \ \ \ \@mobile \cps \@mail%
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \giteaview \cps \href{https://jean-cloud.net}{\footnotesize Jean-Cloud} \\
%\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \githubview \cps \href{https://oma-radio.fr}{\footnotesize Oma-Radio}\ \ \ \ \ \\
} %
% Covverletterview
\\ \coverlettersubview
\section{} \vspace{1ex}
%\textbf{ Dear \@contactperson, \\[0.1cm]}
\begin{tabular}{>{\scshape \bfseries \color{\@themecolor}}l >{\small }l}
%Company: & \@companyname \\
%Position: & \@claimedposition \\
% Helper commands
\newcommand\ruleafter[1]{#1~{\color{black!60!\@themecolor}\hrulefill}} % a trick to put the line with <before> parameter in \titleformat
\newcommand{\cps}{{\color{\@themecolor} \quad\textbar\quad}}
\newcommand{\cpshalf}{{\color{\@themecolor} \hspace{0.2em}\textbar\hspace{0.2em}}}
\newcommand{\coloredbullet}{{\color{\@themecolor} \textbullet}}
% Edit section styles
\titleformat{\section} % Customise the \section command
{\large\bfseries\scshape\raggedright\color{\@themecolor}} % Make the \section headers large (\Large),
% small capitals (\scshape) and left aligned (\raggedright)
{}{0em} % Can be used to give a prefix to all sections, like 'Section ...'
{\ruleafter} % Can be used to insert code before the heading
% Textview commands
\mbox { \hspace{1em} \scshape \textbf{#1} }%
{\itshape \footnotesize \mdseries \color{black!60!\@themecolor} #1 }
\begin{small} \mbox { \hspace{1em} \scshape \textbf{#1} } \end{small} \hfill \datetext{#2}\\[0.01cm] %
\mbox { \scshape \hspace{1.2em} \footnotesize #1}\\[0.05cm]
\indent \begin{minipage}{0.96\linewidth} \footnotesize #1 \end{minipage} \\[0.1cm]
\begin{minipage}{\linewidth} \footnotesize \item #1 \end{minipage}
\indent \explanationdetail{\hspace{4ex} #2}
\textsc{\textbf{#1}} & #2
\foreach \x [count=\xi] in {#1} {\ifthenelse{\xi=1}{\x}{\\ \x}}
\newcommand\createskillsanothertry[1]{%not used
\let\thefootnote\relax\footnote{\today\ / \href{https://github.com/muratcankaracabey/latex_cv}{source code}}}