#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # Read all # NC_SHARE_LINK_URL.* # NC_SHARE_LINK_PASSWORD.* # NC_SHARE_LINK_DESTINATION.* # With .* equals while IFS='=' read key value ; do # suffix of sharer link name="${key#NC_SHARE_LINK_URL}" echo "Rcloning $name..." password_varname="NC_SHARE_LINK_PASSWORD$name" destination_varname="NC_SHARE_LINK_DESTINATION$name" # Empty by default url="${!key}" password="${!password_varname:-}" destination="${!destination_varname:-}" # Ensure we have a link if [ -z "$url" ] ; then echo "env var NC_SHARE_LINK_URL$name is empty." exit 1 fi # Ensure we have a destination if [ -z "$destination" ] ; then echo "env var NC_SHARE_LINK_DESTINATION$name is empty." exit 1 elif [ ! -d "$destination" ] ; then mkdir "$destination" fi # Get content from nextcloud webdav_url="$(echo "$url" | sed 's#/s/.*#/public.php/webdav/#')" webdav_user="$(echo "$url" |sed 's#.*/s/##')" webdav_pass="$(rclone obscure "$password")" rclone sync --config=/notfound --webdav-url="$webdav_url" --webdav-user="$webdav_user" --webdav-pass="$webdav_pass" --webdav-vendor=nextcloud :webdav: "$destination" # Go to website cd "$destination" # Rename .attachement dirs created by nextcloud while read filename ; do oldname="$(basename "$filename")" newname="${oldname:1}" path="$(dirname "$filename")" # And rename their references in md files find "$path" -type f -iname '*.md' -exec sed -i "s/$oldname/$newname/g" {} \; mv "$path/$oldname" "$path/$newname" done < <(find -type d -name '.attachments.*') cd - &>/dev/null echo "Rcloning done!" done < <(env | grep ^NC_SHARE_LINK_URL )