Adrian Amaglio c09f092db4 init
2023-11-17 10:54:41 +01:00

52 lines
1.9 KiB

{{ define "main" }}
<div class="container">
<section class="section hero">
<div class="hero-info">
<h1 class="hero-title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
{{ with .Params.subtitle }}
<p class="hero-subtitle">{{. | markdownify}}</p>
{{ end }}
<div class="btn-group">
{{ $p_cta := "" }}
{{ with .Params.primary_cta_page }}
{{ $p_cta = . }}
{{ end }}
{{ $s_cta := "" }}
{{ with .Params.secondary_cta_page }}
{{ $s_cta = . }}
{{ end }}
<a class="btn-primary"
href="{{ with $p_cta }}{{ . | relURL }}{{ else }}{{ "about" | relURL }}{{ end }}">
{{ if $p_cta }}{{ with .Site.GetPage $p_cta }}{{ .LinkTitle }}{{ end }}{{ else }}About{{ end }}
<a class="btn-secondary"
href="{{ with $s_cta }}{{ . | relURL }}{{ else }}{{ "projects" | relURL }}{{ end }}">
{{ if $s_cta }}{{ with .Site.GetPage $s_cta }}{{ .LinkTitle }}{{ end }}{{ else }}Projects{{ end }}
<div class="hero-owner">
{{ $avatar := .Site.Params.avatar }}
{{ $default_image := "images/default.png" }}
{{ $image := "" }}
{{ with $avatar }}
{{ $image = resources.Get $avatar }}
{{ else }}
{{ $image = resources.Get $default_image }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq .Site.Params.grayscale_avatar true }}
{{ $image = $image | images.Filter (images.Grayscale) }}
{{ end }}
<img class="hero-avatar"
src="{{ $image.RelPermalink }}"
width="{{- $image.Width -}}" height="{{- $image.Height -}}"
alt="Headshot or avatar belonging to the website owner"/>
{{ if eq .Site.Params.home_hero_socials true }}
{{ partial "general/social-links.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Shortcodes from page content */}}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}