// deployer IntegrationTests main // Copyright (C) 2024 Jean-Cloud // GNU General Public License v3 #include #include "BashManager.h" using namespace std; void Help() { cout << "blabla" << endl; } //tests void environmentTest() { cout << "Test of the environment setup." << endl; } void bashTest() { cout << "Test of BashModule" << endl; } void dockerTest() { cout << "Test of DockerModule" << endl; } void nginxTest() { cout << "Test of Nginx module" << endl; } void wireguardTest() { cout << "Test of WireguardModule" << endl; } void encryptionTest() { cout << "Test of EncryptionModule" << endl; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc!=2){ cerr << "Invalid number of arguments." << endl; } else{ BashManager::Execute("./deployer deploy all"); string action=argv[1]; if (action=="environment"){ environmentTest(); } else if (action=="bash"){ bashTest(); } else if (action=="docker"){ dockerTest(); } else if (action=="nginx"){ nginxTest(); } else if (action=="wireguard"){ wireguardTest(); } else if (action=="encryption"){ encryptionTest(); } else if (action=="all"){ environmentTest(); bashTest(); dockerTest(); nginxTest(); wireguardTest(); encryptionTest(); } else { cerr << "Unknown argument." << endl; Help(); } } }